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Friday, July 31, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Top 60 Ghetto Black Names Ever

For All You Ravers Who Don't Know How To Dance

Have you always wanted to rave, but never knew how to dance? This video is for you.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Everyday Normal Guy

Hip hop hoo-rah!

Key to my Heart

Finished painting this tonight. Owesome.

Neighbors Call Police On Black Farmer

Neighbours call police on black farmer

A farmer has had police call at his field three times in less than a week following reports from neighbours who thought he was stealing crops.

Zimbabwean David Mwanaka, who rents a field off Mountsorrel Lane, in Rothley, believes neighbours have reported him to police because they are "not used to seeing a black man working in the fields".

The 42-year-old, thought to be one of only two black farmers in Britain, was questioned by police officers for over 30 minutes on Saturday following a call reporting a suspected theft.

Officers questioned Mr Mwanaka before checking him and his van.

After another farmer stepped in to confirm his identity, they apologised and left.
However, Mr Mwanaka, who has been renting the field to grow maize for five years, was amazed when they returned on Monday, and then again on Wednesday.

He had not previously had a visit from police.

He said: "I was just picking the maize when I went to the edge of the field and saw three or four police cars and some officers walking towards me.

"They asked me what I was doing and I told them I was cropping my maize.

"It happened on Saturday, then on Monday, then again Wednesday. It was the same story – 'Who owns the land? What are you doing here?'.

"I had to explain again that I rent the land. They did the police checks again – it was the same process – and then they left. They were very nice and it was not a problem."

Mr Mwanaka, who travels from his home in Basildon, Essex, to tend to his crops four or five days a week, believes there will be more police visits to come.

He has lived in Britain since 1991, when he decided to start farming white maize, which he grew up eating in his home country.

Despite being told it would be difficult to produce in the English climate, Mr Mwanaka successfully grows the crop, plus pumpkins and sweet potatoes, across the country.

He won a contract to supply white sweetcorn to Sainsbury's stores in London last year.

The-father-of-three, who was working with his wife Brenda and a colleague when the police first turned up, said he did not believe the reports had been made maliciously.

He said: "I told the police if it happened again they should know it's me by now and not bother, but I'm just waiting for it to happen.

"Maybe it's because people have never seen a black man.

"I honestly don't blame anyone. They are probably just not used to seeing black people working in the fields here.

"They probably just assume I'm stealing, but they are wrong.

"It is a bit annoying because it's a waste of my time and their time.

"I've lived in this country for years and I've not had anything like this before.

"It is just ignorance. The police should realise, but they have all been nice to me."

A spokesman for Leicestershire police said it had to respond to every call made.

He said: "Police were called to land off Mountsorrel Lane, in Rothley, at 9.47am on Saturday, September 13 after a report of a suspected theft.

"Two further calls regarding suspicious activity on the land were received at 8.32am on Monday, September 15 and 8.30am on Wednesday.

"On all occasions, officers attended the scene and, after initial investigations, they were satisfied there were no suspicious circumstances."

Original artical

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Fast-Food Mafia

Ron "The Don" McDonald, Owesome.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Courses for Men and Women

Courses for Women

Taught by men, for women.

Avoiding Walking in Front of the TV

Doing Housework Without Complaining

Shopping: Buying What You Can Afford, Not What You Can Charge

Going to The Washroom Alone
(formerly Coping Without My Friends)

Understanding the Male Response to "Do I Look OK?"

Exercise: How it Keeps You from Looking Like Your Mother

Learning How to Initiate Intimacy

How to Apologize When You Are Obviously Wrong

Understanding the Male Response to "Am I Fat?"

Dishwashers: Rinsing Before Is Not a Must

The Toilet Seat: I Can Learn to Put It Down Too

Using the Thesaurus: Alternatives to "Make Love"

"The Weekend" and "Long Boring Walks" Are Not Synonymous

How to Go Shopping With Your Mate and Not Embarrass Him

The Remote Control: Don't Touch What You Can't Handle

You Too Can Be the One to Hang Up the Phone

Honest, You Don't Look Like Kim Bassinger – But You're Acceptable

Hairspray: The Effects On The Ecosystem
(formerly One Can Is Enough)

Runs In Your Nylons? It's Not the End of the World

Fishing: Being Able to Bait Your Own Hook

Intimacy: More Than Just Lying There

Learning to Choose What to Wear In Less Than Four Hours

Vacations: Doing Without 4 Suitcases

Makeup: The Less is More Theory

Nagging: Stop the Insanity!

Courses for Men

Taught by women, for men.

Combating Stupidity

You Too Can Do Housework

P.M.S. – Learning When To Keep Your Mouth Shut

How To Fill An Ice Cube Tray

We Do Not Want Sleazy Underthings for Christmas –
Give Us Money

Understanding the Female Response To You Coming In Drunk
At 4 AM

Wonderful Laundry Techniques
(Formerly "Don't Wash My Silks")

Parenting – No, It Doesn't End With Conception

Get a Life – Learn How To Cook

How Not To Act Like a Butthead When You Are Obviously Wrong

Spelling – Even You Can Get It Right

Understanding Your Financial Incompetence

You – The Weaker Sex

Reasons To Give Flowers

How To Stay Awake After

Why It Is Unacceptable To Relieve Yourself
Anywhere But the Bathroom

Garbage – Getting It To the Curb

You Can Fall Asleep Without It If You Really Try

The Morning Dilemma - If It's Awake, Take a Shower

The Weekend and Sports Are Not Synonymous

How To Put The Toilet Seat Down

How To Go Shopping With Your Mate and Not Get Lost

The Remote Control – Overcoming Your Dependency

Helpful Postural Hints For Couch Potatoes

How Not To Act Younger Than Your Children

You Too Can Be a Designated Driver

Honest, You Don't Look Like Mel Gibson, Especially When Naked

Changing Your Underwear – It Really Works

The Attainable Goal – Omitting %@#*! From Your Vocabulary

Fluffing the Blankets After Farting is Not Necessary

Real Men Ask For Directions

How To Take Illness Like a Man

BOOM! Energy Drink

Energy drinks are Owesome. Personally, I'm addicted to them. They're like batteries to me.

Careful What You Wish For

Everybody dreams of finding a golden lamp and being granted three wishes.

Boo! Bobby! Boo!

Children can be irritating at times, but Bobby is such a NIGHTMARE.

Bizzy the Bee

Sometimes all you can do is give it your best. Bizzy did.

Bye-bye Spot... and a hello to you.

Welcome to OWESOMENESS, the coolest, most bestest blog ever...ish. You'll find random cartoons, fun stuff and overall randomness. So, with that said, let's start this hello, with goodbye.